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Web Design Trends Of 2020

If we stand today and look back at what Facebook or Instagram looked like 10 years ago our conclusion would probably be that they looked like a baby bird… not too good, barebones and ugly. If you came across any website today that looks like Facebook did in 2010 you would understandably close it and possibly flag it for malware. Staying up to date with all the latest web design trends is essential especially if you have your own business, are in the business of making websites or are simply exploring the web design space.

At the same time, a modern look will guarantee that your website can compete with others on the market and leave an impression in the minds of those who visit the website. To quote Dave Chappelle, “Modern problems require modern solutions.” So what are the latest web design trends? The following guide will help you create an understanding of that and use the latest trends to develop your own website or any website you are developing or involved with.

1. Dark Mode

The dark mode was added mainly to allow for a more comfortable viewing experience especially in low light. Who wants the equivalent of a flashbang grenade to the face every time you check your phone in bed? However, it comes with the added benefit of making your website look modern and even make certain design elements and colors pop off the screen. Dark Themes help save power on mobile devices, and on top of that they look extremely sexy. Facebook has implemented a dark mode with most uses opting for it and this aesthetic perfectly fits within the overall trend of 2020 design to be futuristic, clean, gloomy, and almost dystopian.


2. Minimalist Design

Many considered minimalism a fad when it initially came about however, so far that has not happened and this seems like a design trend that will stay for a long time. Over the years this style has incorporated multiple changes but the essence of its design remains similar. This isn’t the 80s anymore, neon and tie dyed aren’t exactly cool. Minimalism emphasized on the importance of elegant interfaces, simple design and enhanced user experience. However, in web design this can mean a lot of different things from simple designs to small color schemes and minimal use of text. Minimalism has shown itself to be important in the effort to maintain user attention spans and employs a tactic that encourages users discovering website information themselves. And keep in mind that many users often come to your site tired or in a hurry, and need something less tacky. A simple way to incorporate it is ditching massive paragraphs for images or videos that can explain information better.


3. Illuminate Color Palettes

While black and white color schemes seemed impressive for a time, many brands cannot use them to cultivate an image of fun and excitement which is what most brands aim for today. Luminous color schemes move forward with a more pronounced color scheme and incorporate glowing colors that pop off the page like blue, pink and purple. This gives any website a futuristic but ultra-modern look at the same time and combined with a deeper and darker shade at the edges or at certain intervals it creates a daring and bold image. Appeal to your local stoner! Give them something visually striking to enjoy. Minimalist design and Dark mode both work especially well with the illuminated color palettes and go a long way in making your website stand out.


4. Imperfection Elements

A perfect website needs imperfection, I realize that might sound like a bit of an oxymoron but imperfections do not mean flaws just a lot that says this was not made on a computer (when in most cases it still was). Ever watch movies with unnaturally lifelike CGI, and notice how disturbing the uncanny valley is? Hand drawn design elements inject a look and feel of emotion and humanity into the website design. Website design trends have been leaning towards this style of creation for a long time as people are leaning away from cookie cutter impersonal graphics of most websites but only recently have certain companies been able to use them to the fullest extent. The reality of hand drawn elements adds a lot to the web design and creates appeal, connection and positivity in the minds of visitors.


5. 3D Elements

3D visuals have always been appealing for multiple reasons. Previously however, many companies chose not to incorporate this into their web design due to multiple reasons like the technology and a massive price tag. However, now that the technology has become available on a larger scale and designing can be done even at home, the gates have been opened for a flood of designers. The next step is obviously virtual reality but for now 3D elements are one of the best ways for creating an immersive experience for your website, this is not only good for the visuals but the user experience and they serve as an important step to distort the boundaries between reality and the digital landscape. You’ll literally make your content pop out with some well placed 3D.


6. Mix Photography and Graphics

Overlapping the website graphics with actual photographs is important and creates an effect which allows the visual to stick in your mind, the capabilities with this space can allow your creativity to go wild. Collages are one of the more prominent web design trends in this space and allow for adding additional layering to a photo that would otherwise have very little visual appeal. However, it is important to keep the brand its image in your mind to match the style of the illustrations and graphics with the personality of the brand to see how the style can influence people and create a more sophisticated image. After all, cell-shaded comic book style work doesn’t suit a funeral home service.


Utilizing the above techniques keeping in mind the look and feel of your brand will allow your website to become eye catching and beautiful allowing it to compete with even the best looking websites in your space. In all the instances of changing your website, always ask yourself how can your web design be improved and keep in mind the image your brand wishes to portray and use colors and elements accordingly otherwise you risk losing existing audiences and confusing potential

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